
February 15, 2019
Today’s schedule is 3571
If you have a Q3 Red or Blue Renaissance card, you may leave 1-2 minutes early for lunch today
If you are an 8th grader going on the DC trip in April, there is a MANDATORY club meeting NEXT FRIDAY February 22 from 3:45-4:15.
VERY important paperwork will be given out and carefully explained; this paperwork will have a due date of March 1.
Attention all boys’ basketball players: There will be NO basketball practice today after school.~~
The Young Authors' deadline has been extended to next Friday. Please bring your entries to room I-7 by next Friday, February 22. All entries must be final copies, typed, and in correct format. If you have any questions, stop by room I-7.
Boys soccer tryouts:
All boys from 6, 7, and 8th who have not been cut will have their last tryout on the 20th.
The Monsters Inc. dance is today! Buy your tickets at the SSO. For 6th graders, tickets are $1 and the dance is from 3-3:40. For 7th and 8th graders, tickets are $3 and the dance is from 3:40 to 5pm.
There will be snacks sold at the dance, so make sure you bring extra money!
Room H-10 will be opened for tutoring, mornings at 8:25, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for all students.
Entry forms for the Snowline Young Artist Contest are in the main office. Your entry must be submitted the Quail Valley Office by March 13th!
If you are a 7th grader and you are interested in going on the Washington DC trip in 2020 as an 8th graders, get signed up now. For trip & registration information, go see Ms. Mankins in Room H6. You can register online and by phone.
The big Blue Recycling containers around campus are NOT trashcans. Please do not put food or trash in them. They are for water bottles or aluminum cans only (no paper trash). The money that is collected from recycling goes directly back to students to sponsor events such as field trips. Please respect the blue bins.
Did you run out of paper? Forget your pencil at home? Never fear, the Student Store is here! Come down to the ASB office to purchase basic school supplies for only $0.25 or $0.50 each.
Did you know that Quail Valley has both a Facebook and an Instagram page? Follow us @qvmscougars to stay up to date with all that is going on at Quail.
Academic Pentathlon – will be meeting every Friday at 7:45 am in Mr. Hayes’ room, H-3. No meeting next Friday. We’ll meet on Saturday, Feb. 23rd.
Chess Club -- meets every Tuesday morning from 8:15-8:55 am in room H5.
Christian Club –meets every Tuesday after school from 3:45 – 4:30 in room E-2
Drawing Club – meets Wednesdays after school from 3:45 – 4:30 in room H-7.
Knitting Club – meets Wednesdays starting tomorrow at 8 am in room I-5
Ski/Snowboard Club - Thursday, February 21st, will be the next ski/snowboard club meeting. Please listen for updates during the morning announcements and have your parents check their emails.
QVMS ticket drawing winners
Elijah Jones
Nikolas Alonzo
Cristal Magana
Amyah Mcall
Congratulations to this week's perfect attendance winners:
6th: Elizabeth Stait-Gardner and Jacob Bannon
7th: Arianna Zubieta and Isaac Chavez
8th: Brianna Ponce and Valeriano Ledezma